gegründet 1918 in Wittenberg
Lutherjahrbuch 90 (2023)
Lutherjahrbuch 90 (2023)
Hauptvorträge und Seminarberichte des 14. Internationalen Kongresses für Lutherforschung
Thousand Oaks, USA, 14.–19. August 2022
- Volker Leppin: Begrüßung durch den Vorsitzenden des Continuation Committee
- Robert Kolb: Martinus Peregrinus
- Anna Marie Johnson: Spreading the Word into the Vernacular in the Sixteenth Century
- Marius Timmann Mjaaland: By Grammar Alone. Language, Translation, and Modalities in Luther’s Understanding of the Word of God
- Kenneth Mtata: Spreading the Word of God in the contemporary world
- Armin Kohnle: Die Ordnung der Kirche in der Reformationszeit. Ekklesiologische Grundtypen und ihre innerweltliche Realisierung
- Christopher Spehr: Luthers Kirchenverständnis. Grundlinien und Konkretionen reformatorischer Ekklesiologie
- Wanda Deifelt: The Church in a Postsecular World
- Sini Mikkola: The conditio humana in 16th century society
- Brian Brock: Human Dignity as Christ-conscious Living
- Guy Erwin: Society and human dignity as challenges for Lutheran theology today
- Anna Vind: What is human creativity in Luther’s understanding?
- Gesche Linde: Executio verbi. Das Neue und die Macht der Sprache bei Martin Luther
Seminarberichte / Reports
- Black and Wisdom Theologies in African Lutheranism
- Luther in Central Europe
- Debates Concerning the Sacraments
- Luther and the Jews: Making, Breaking and Maintaining Boundaries
- Luther and Mysticism
- Lutheran Metaphysics
- Postmodern Trinitarian Theology in the Tradition of Luther
- Luther and Philosophy
- Luther und die Reformation im Musiktheater
- Doctrine and Consolation in Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon
- Luther’s Devotional Writings
- Luther and his Understanding of Mission
- Bugenhagen as Biblical Interpreter and Social Reformer
- Luther on the Church Fathers, and as One of Them
- Luthers Passionsfrömmigkeit
- Luther and Religion
- Luther and Erasmus
- Battling Sin, Death, and the Devil with Luther in Global Perspective
letzte Änderung: Montag, 13. Januar 2025